Memphis, Tn - 19 year old Courtney Siddons is accused of smuggling more than 5 grams of marijuana to her 25 year old inmate cousin, Rodney McGregor. The two were confronted by a corrections officer during their visit inside the Shelby County Penal Farm on Sunday. Tabor says Siddons had already visited McGregor 4 or 5 times since his sentence on DUI and Revoked Driver's License charges began in December. But he says after a recent tip that she may try to get McGregor drugs while in jail, Siddons was flagged as a visitor. So, when she showed up Sunday with a bag of M and M's she didn't buy from the vending machine inside the visitation room, Tabor says they knew something was up and swooped in. In brief conclusion I believe Courtney has not been raised well by his parents and this may lead to a devastating lifestyle. All in all the whole situation is believed to be derived from a bad background. Read the article here.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Teen Caught Smuggling Drugs in M&Ms (Weekend Post)
Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/27/2010 11:45:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
3 Teens Killed in Train accident (Weekend post)
Three teenage girls crossing a bridge in central Florida were killed by a freight train as they desperately tried to get out of its way, and their helpless friend on the other side could only watch.
The girls and the fourth teenager, a boy, were hanging out in Melbourne's downtown area known for its shops and nightclubs when they decided to cross the trestle around 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
The male made it across the tracks, turned around, heard the train, saw it and yelled for them to run. He then told them to jump.
The girls did not have enough time.
In brief statement the teens should have been on and or nowhere near a railroad track. These deaths will be highly investigated to the primary reason of intoxication or just curiosity.
Go read the story for yourself here.
Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/20/2010 03:39:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Girl teen drivers are more distracted than boys (Weekend Post)
Differences between the sexes are becoming less noticeable when it comes to teenage driving.
In what seems like a role reversal, girls are expressing a new need for speed, while aggressive driving and speeding by boys is down.
According to Allstate Foundation's "Shifting Teen Attitudes: The State of Teen Driving 2009," 27 percent of girls admit to speeding at least 10 miles over the speed limit, vs. 19 percent of boys.
Also, 16 percent of girls report that they are very aggressive while driving, up from 9 percent in 2005. Meanwhile, 13 percent of teen boys admitted to being very aggressive while driving, vs. 20 percent in 2005.
All in all girl drivers seem to have been distracted while driving. Due to the percentage of speed limit as well as agressiveness.
Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/13/2010 02:48:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
High School student Tasered (Transcript)

On January 31, 2010 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mario Traver a sophomore at Monssen High School. Was tasered by a security guard after a basketball game when he was looking for his sister. He was believed to be tasered because he was sought to be running away from security officials when he was searching for his sister. So the security officials took action and tased him due to an order from the principal. The Parents of Mario seemed to be very agitated about the whole situation. Tarver's mother said she saw her son run into the gym and he collapsed at her feet. Mario said "I can't breath, my heart hurts," and then some officers came in and they're trying to make him put his hands behind his back. Hence the Tarver family says they plan to press charges against the school and the Monessen Police Department. All in all the whole altercation turned out to be a misunderstanding due to the chaos and the hetic situation. Read the article

Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/09/2010 12:05:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
"How Technology has evovled over time"
Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/08/2010 12:02:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Grand Slam!
The Yankees have successfully traded Phil coke and Austin Jackson for all-star outfielder Curtis Granderson. He will be their starting center fielder for the upcoming 2010 season. Since Granderson was acquired there may be no need Johnny Damon a current Free Agent. Curtis Granderson will make approximately $25.75million over a few years. This deal is a great one made by Brian Cashman and he will certainly give the Yankees that depth they need in the outfield.
Here's the link to the article here.
Posted by AlexBoi1295 at 2/06/2010 11:45:00 AM 0 comments