Thursday, April 29, 2010

10 Suprising Health Benefits of sex

Here is the link to the website explaining the website.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Historical Podcast - Plague of Athens

The disease’s rapid spread at Athens was helped by the overcrowded conditions resulting from the entire population of the countryside living inside the walls of the city due to the war. The plague also broke out at other places in Greece but nowhere was it as severe as at Athens.

No one was spared from the disease. According to some estimates as much as a third of the population of Athens may have died from the plague. Social order suffered and Athens’ war effort was also affected as many of their soldiers fell sick and perished from the illness. After two years the plague lapsed for a bit before returning for one last deadly round in 426.

Historical Podcast - WKTU3 sound bite

Friday, April 23, 2010

NASA finds new pictures of Sun

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wacky Web Tales

Read your tale.

A Valentine Poem

Roses are Blue,
Violetes are blue,
We are Strong
And so are you.

This is my Wacky web tale using nouns and adjectives to create a poem
Wacky Web Tales is similar to the popular kid's game, Mad Libs. Students choose different words representing parts of speech, and the words are put into a funny story. More than 90 tales relate to the themes and stories in Houghton Mifflin, Reading. Students would find this activity silly and fun. Parts of Speech assistance is also available.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Boy that kept on running (Storytelling)

There once was a boy who was known to have mind blowing speed. He was a great baseball player so one hot afternoon he stepped up to plate in the last inning his team 4 points from a win and he was the winning run bases loaded for him two out. And the pitcher started out firing blazing a fastball on the gun at 98mph then changed speeds throwing a curveball at 76mph! This kid was now down in the count 0-2 one more strike and the game would be over. But this pitcher was tired as well missing outside 3 times to run the ocunt full. It was a 3-2 count 2 outs bottom of the ninth and when the kid saw the pitch he swung hitting the ball directly down the right field line. This kid never stopped running from first .... to second .... to third. He by far had a triple but he wanted to push it he took the chance and went home halfway from home plate the shortstop got the ball threw it home all you could see was a cloud of dust. As the dust cleared the catcher was laid down on his back without the ball and the kid did it. He hit a inside the park Grand Slam! And this play was never seen again.